Igor Emmerich, GSK, Lifestyle portrait photo of boy playing dress up on a sunny day. GSK


A new repository of images for one of the world’s largest healthcare brands.

Igor Emmerich, GSK, Lifestyle photo of boy and woman gardening on a sunny day. GSK

We were tasked with creating a series of images that illustrate the GSK Brand Purpose of ‘do more, feel better, live longer.’

The images needed to represent broader consumers, patients and families of patients living an active fulfilled lifestyle.

Igor Emmerich, GSK, A lifestyle portrait photo of boy eating watermelon on a sandy beach. GSK

Undertaking a recce of the various shoot locations proved to be vital. It helped us scope and talk through shots, as well as make changes ahead of time – removing any surprises on the actual shoot day.

Needing to represent a broad mix of ages, backgrounds and ethnicities, we worked with a local Spanish modelling agency to cast real people with strong personalities. From the original longlist, we sifted through polaroids and portfolios to select the most characterful families, couples and friends that could bring our images to life. It was important that they would be comfortable and confident in front of the camera – so we also made sure we viewed recent videos of our preferred options.